Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Thank you Hellen Keller, for seeing the light.

My daddy is going to die. Despite hearing, "The Melanoma is in his lungs. It's in the wall of his chest, his blood and his lymph glads. It's not good. It is a really, really aggressive form and stage of cancer."- that is the only thing I heard... like a hot knife through my ears, through my head and heart, deep into my stomach, where it is currently hosting a tea for all its friends. (I did put some yerba mate down there this morning...) I am trying to forget having read that cancer in the lungs causes the most deaths of any cancer a year in men and women both, and trying to remember that he might die of old age in 50 years. Somehow. He might get in a car wreck on the way home and render this whole upheaval useless to a completely different one. So might any of us, which is really the point.

I have been reading maniacally all morning -really, for the past few months, but now I am being raced- for articles, tips, recipes, books, theories, ANYthing that helps me help him. There is one silver lining in all this, which is that there is a clinical trial for people with 4th stage Melanoma WITH a specific gene mutation, which the results came back for and he has! Nevermind he had to do the research to find it himself, contact UCSF (where it is being tested) himself, ask to be tested himself and even ask for the xray for his chest where the spots were found (and initially felt by) himself- have I ever mentioned the importance of self-care? Anyhow- so the drug being tested is called PLX4032. There is a NY Times article about it here if you are interested. It isn't a miracle cure, but it's part of a new target method for treating cancer, rather than broad spectrum treatments like radiation and chemo, which I think sounds a lot more practical, not to mention comfortable.

If you're reading this, you probably know me and know how into holistic health and healing I am. I believe- I know, that treating problems holistically- even outside of the body, are the best way to heal. To treat the cause of the problem in the first place is much better than trying to nuke it and hope it goes away. The same could be said for all body health issues, problems at work, home or say, in a marriage. Hmm. But I digress.

I was reminded of a Helen Keller quote I used to have hanging in my living room which inspired me then and has reminded me now,

"I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do."

 He isn't dead yet. Neither am I. Just because I can't cure cancer doesn't mean I can't find everything known to man to slow it down and make it easy for him to try it. I brought him wheatgrasss at work today and he didn't implode of veggie overload, which I think is a good sign. I will be employing my nutrition-nerd-knowledge to help formulate a raw-ish- veganyesque type diet for him and boy howdy, I am even going to prepare it! I figure since maybe my cooking is so atrocious, maybe if it isn't cooked, I can't completely ruin it? Or maybe he'll be expecting such a repulsive taste due to its health properties that he won't know the difference. Either way, this is what I know, this is what I will do.

Back to the books for now....Feel free to use this as an excuse to stop what you're doing and hug your kid, your own dad, your significant other, your friend. I've been doing it all day.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Julie, I'm just so sorry. I hope the clinical trial works out. I can't imagine how difficult this must be. I wish there was something I could do to help. Take care of yourself and hang in there. I'm in awe of your bravery. xoxo
