Wow. So today is the day of my dad's appointment at UCSF. They are going to give him a complete physical and have a meeting and decide if he is a good match for their trial... all I can do now is wait. Well, that and spend the day running around because tomorrow, I am going to go visit Shlomi in Houston for the weekend! (♥ insert sigh of relief here ♥) It's been almost 6 weeks! Even my visit has sort of a bitter-sweetness to it because unfortunately, even Shlomi isn't immune to this epic series of unfortunate events- he was in the ER last night with what ended up to be gallstones and was told he'll need surgery to remove his gallbladder. This sucks aside from the obvious on many levels, since either the surgery will be out of pocket insane expensive here or he'll have to go back to Israel for it and likely end up staying there. Both options aren't exactly favorable for either of us, so now I will add Shlomi to the list of people whose diets I am trying to overhaul for my own selfish desires of their company.
As soon as he called, I immediately hopped upon my trusty Google steed and rushed around, pen at the ready, searching for alternative/holistic approaches to help prevent and treat gallbladder and liver issues. Unsurprisingly, (to me, who stopped eating meat in 1993) the most widespread treatment was the removal of animal products from the diet. Have you guys read
Diet for a New America
? It's a book a read a long time ago and could probably stand to read again, but it is yet another one that really sheds some light on diet and animal consumption without being terribly preachy. John Robbins has a new one out I haven't read called
The Food Revolution
I'd like to get my hands on, too. Most websites, articles and books seem to concur that even the modification of more veggies (the raw-er the better) and cutting down animal product (meat and cheese, basically) intake by 20% can really boost your overall health. Sorry if now I sound preachy, but folks- I can't take any more unhealthy people around me! Save yourselves, I'm tired!
Speaking of which, I have had some really, really hard days recently. I am okay now, but probably I haven't written because I keep fighting off depression and it's really difficult. Some days I am so angry I feel like my chest is going to explode and howling banshees are going to fly out my mouth, smiting everyone around me with fire and smoke. Sometimes, I am so sad, I feel like Eeyore... like there's a cloud made specifically for me that I can't see through the gray of. Most of the time I am busy with the kids and helping my dad and it keeps my occupied, but sometimes the sheer magnitude of everything is so clearly felt on my shoulders, I literally can't even move. Luckily, I have Amber to cry to, Shlomi who makes me laugh, Porky (my youngest sister- we really call her Porky, I think even she forgets her real identity...) pitches in with the house and kids and somehow, amazingly, I live.
So now, I am off to take Annika for a playdate with Grace, her soulmate and very bestest friend before I go crazy trying to get everything done today so I can leave peacefully tomorrow. I just finished juicing with Annika so we are all healthy and ready to go! I can't get over how pretty the juice is and how good it tastes. Okay, another day, take 1....
Dear Julie, please let me know what happens with your dad. I'm sending good thoughts. And - GOOD for YOU for waking up family & friends on healthy eating! So nice to know I'm not alone with this tirade!